Thursday 6 December 2007

What's Worth Striving For In Your Blogging?

So, you're Blogging for Influence & Attention. Can blogging become something more than a marketing platform?

Good question. Blogs are indeed personal diaries for some, 'closed network' communication tools for others, and platforms for marketing for another group. Seth Godin, in 'Small is the New Big' calls them 'cat blogs', 'boss blogs' and 'viral blogs'.

But rather than calling 'viral blogs' a 'marketing platform', Seth explains: "... they're viral blogs because the goal of the blog is to spread ideas."

Spreading IDEAS. "What a novel concept," say many 'marketers'... because ideas are the last thing on their minds.

Sales are higher. Opt-ins, maybe next. Response rates, conversion rates, killer copy, all rank higher. Ideas, if they even make it on to the list, come straggling in towards the end.

Blogs can be more than 'marketing platforms'. They can be 'media to spread ideas'. The ideas would spread wider, further, more effectively.

At the core of it all is that vague, uncertain, hard to define, yet determining thing inside each blogger/marketer called ATTITUDE.

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