Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Member Money Magnet Review and Bonus

I'm a Membership Site Expert, But...

It took me nearly 6 years of online marketing before I created my first membership site. That's while I had created and sold over 25 different ebooks in that period!

Since beginning, I have set up SIX different highly profitable membership sites in the Internet marketing niche alone. Some have 20 members, others have 300 of them. Some members stay subscribed for 2 months, others have been members for 3 years and more. Some programs cost $9.95 a month, others cost $297 a month.

One common thread that runs across them is that ALL of them have been among my MOST PROFITABLE ventures online.

That's why you too should consider getting Member Money Magnet and learning all about creating membership sites.

So what scared me away from membership sites in the early days? Let's look at that - because chances are that you too are worried about these things, and leaving a pot of gold on the table!

Membership Sites Need A GREAT Idea

Let's face it. Creating membership sites is hard work - when you're first starting. You need to do a ton of things and get them all right. The biggest hurdle to getting started is the fear of NOT knowing if you have a great idea.

* Will people pay you for this every month?
* Do enough people want this information or solution?
* How many will join, and how long will they stay?

If you knew the answers to these questions, and better still, if you KNEW you had a niche idea that is tested, proven and effective, then you'll rush to set up a new membership site - starting today.

Well, Member Money Magnet gives you that GREAT idea. No, not one of them. Not even two, or five, or ten.

Member Money Magnet reveals TWENTY-SEVEN fantastic membership site ideas that YOU can start using right now.

15 of them are related to business niches, including online and Internet marketing. 12 of them have NOTHING to do with IM. Yet all of them have enormous potential to reap rich rewards and be wildly profitable.

Am I just saying that?

No. After I reviewed that short 24-page report, I immediately took out my "ideas notebook" and have jotted down SEVEN new membership site ideas - that I will be rolling out before Christmas!

You could be doing the same, too.

There's a lot more to say about Member Money Magnet, and I urge you to read the complete Member Money Magnet review here before making a decision.

And if you decide to buy the course, I've got a fantastic Member Money Magnet bonus package you may want to check out first.



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