Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Guru Siphon Formula Bonus - My Best

Any affiliate marketer knows that including a bonus gift will generate extra sales. In fact, there are some super-affiliates who plan their entire strategy upon giving away high value bonuses to sell more as affiliates.

While it may sound easy and tempting to merely put together a huge package of gifts and include them as part of every promotion you run as an affiliate marketer, the truth is that doesn't work - and requires a certain amount of planning and thought to get the best results.

A bonus must meet certain criteria to be most effective. For instance, if I were to offer a bonus to encourage you to buy a course about affiliate marketing, then it would have to be:

Relevant - No, a bonus that teaches you have to create a top quality information product like an ebook won't be relevant, even though it may be a great tutorial. On the other hand, a guide that shows how to drive more traffic, or optimize a website to rank high on search engines may be more relevant to the product.

Valuable - If your bonus adds value to the buyer in some way or the other, it will be welcome and eagerly desired. Expensive things with a high sticker price are naturally perceived to be valuable. But even less costly stuff can carry a higher perceived value if you are smart at highlighting how it will help them.

Complementary - Anything that helps a buyer get even more out of the original purchase will make a great bonus. For instance, if I were to offer personal coaching or guidance based on my rich experience with affiliate marketing, then that would make a very valuable bonus for buyers of the course because now they can tap into my knowledge and get even higher value from their purchase.

These are the essential characteristics of a good bonus. And quite naturally, higher quality bonuses will boost your own chances of making more sales as an affiliate marketer. That's why every time there's a big product launch in any market, you'll find partners and associates falling over themselves to outrank others in terms of providing a better bonus.

See what bonus you can get for when you buy Guru Siphon Formula through Dr.Mani's affiliate link and read a review of this hot affiliate marketing course at

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