Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Is Guru Siphon Formula Any Good?

This question is always the hardest to answer in an unbiased fashion.

If I'm a go-getter and action oriented entrepreneur, I can make almost any product or system work - by putting enough energy and effort into it. On the other hand, if I'm a lazy and undisciplined dreamer, I can fail to profit from even the best, most effective system in the world.

So, is Guru Siphon Formula any good?

I think it is. The depth and detail in the course suggest that the authors have done what they teach, learned precious lessons from their experience, and are now willingly sharing it with others who want to emulate their success.

The premise is simple. Guru Siphon Formula teaches anyone - even beginners - the exact system the authors used to make $1,000 affiliate commissions with only a WordPress blog and by attracting FREE Traffic!

Is it easy or simple or instant? Absolutely not. Read my Guru Siphon Formula review to see if you have what it takes.

Is it tested and proven to work? Eddy and Josh claim to have used the system to generate huge profits as affiliate marketers, and after reviewing the material inside their course, I'm inclined to believe them - because there is a certain level of detail in the coaching content that's hard to fake if you're not doing it.

Can anyone really benefit from it? No. If you're interested in learning how to sell high ticket items as an affiliate, however, then you will definitely benefit from learning their system.

Is it possible to make $1,000+ commissions? I believe so. No, I haven't yet used this exact system to generate my first high ticket sale. But in the past I have used broadly similar methods to tap into the hype and excitement that builds up around a high profile product launch - and generate affiliate sales on auto-pilot.

Should you buy Guru Siphon Formula? I don't know. But read this Guru Siphon Formula review and you'll be in a far better position to decide based on information.

Guru Siphon Formula Bonus - My Best

Any affiliate marketer knows that including a bonus gift will generate extra sales. In fact, there are some super-affiliates who plan their entire strategy upon giving away high value bonuses to sell more as affiliates.

While it may sound easy and tempting to merely put together a huge package of gifts and include them as part of every promotion you run as an affiliate marketer, the truth is that doesn't work - and requires a certain amount of planning and thought to get the best results.

A bonus must meet certain criteria to be most effective. For instance, if I were to offer a bonus to encourage you to buy a course about affiliate marketing, then it would have to be:

Relevant - No, a bonus that teaches you have to create a top quality information product like an ebook won't be relevant, even though it may be a great tutorial. On the other hand, a guide that shows how to drive more traffic, or optimize a website to rank high on search engines may be more relevant to the product.

Valuable - If your bonus adds value to the buyer in some way or the other, it will be welcome and eagerly desired. Expensive things with a high sticker price are naturally perceived to be valuable. But even less costly stuff can carry a higher perceived value if you are smart at highlighting how it will help them.

Complementary - Anything that helps a buyer get even more out of the original purchase will make a great bonus. For instance, if I were to offer personal coaching or guidance based on my rich experience with affiliate marketing, then that would make a very valuable bonus for buyers of the course because now they can tap into my knowledge and get even higher value from their purchase.

These are the essential characteristics of a good bonus. And quite naturally, higher quality bonuses will boost your own chances of making more sales as an affiliate marketer. That's why every time there's a big product launch in any market, you'll find partners and associates falling over themselves to outrank others in terms of providing a better bonus.

See what bonus you can get for when you buy Guru Siphon Formula through Dr.Mani's affiliate link and read a review of this hot affiliate marketing course at

Guru Siphon Formula Reviews - The Best Set

As happens every time a product launch rolls around, the Guru Siphon Formula review machine is at full blast, cranking out one review after another until the entire front page (and more) of the search engines is loaded with reviews.

But most of the reviews are merely 'search engine bait' - pages loaded with keywords designed to get high ranks and hopefully more traffic. The trouble is, as a buyer looking to get Guru Siphon Formula, these reviews are worthless to you.

Well, here's a refreshing change. I have reviewed Guru Siphon Formula - and done it comprehensively. The review has 2,316 words. Yes, it's a mini-book!

But like all prospective buyers, you probably understand only too well that when you are curious and eager to buy something, you want DETAILS in a review, not merely another 'pitch' or 'hype fest'.

So I've taken the route of reporting on my own experience as I worked my way through the course, one module at a time. Join me on this journey, and decide if you want to buy Guru Siphon Formula.

Read the best of all Guru Siphon Formula reviews - click here.

Friday, 15 October 2010

Guru Siphon Formula Reviews

Guru Siphon Formula is a product by Josh Denning and Eddy Croft. You'll be hearing a lot about it and reading many Guru Siphon Formula reviews because there's a 'Big Launch' coming up.
When it comes to affiliate marketing, there are many different tactics that work. But what can make you a super-affiliate is backing it all up with a winning strategy.
In Guru Siphon Formula, you will learn a strategy based on selling high priced products and services as an affiliate, and earning $1,000+ in commissions per sale.
I recommend that you get the "Guru Siphon Formula" course IF you want to learn how to sell high-ticket products (or even lower priced ones) as an affiliate marketer, using the power of free blogs - even if you don't have a big list, or access to any JV partners.
Once you've chosen the best product to promote (using secret resources revealed in the course), you then have to load your website or blog with content related to whatever you are selling and make a juicy offer that includes a bonus that is exclusive to your promotion.
Once that is done, you must drive a flood of visitors to your site who will see your bonus, and then be tempted to buy through your affiliate link. When they do, for each sale you'll earn a big commission - and soon these add up to making you a small fortune.
This course shows you a path to take to the top. It gives you all the information you need to follow it. It pumps you up with energy and hope to sustain you along the journey.
But in the end, YOUR success is only up to YOU.
If you're serious, commited and determined to win, buy Guru Siphon Formula and start making $1,000 commissions as an affiliate.