IPL Cricket was launched in response to Zee's Subhas Chandra's Indian Cricket League. Signing up retired and neglected cricketers from around the world, this series paid millions to get big stars like Brian Lara, Inzaman, Shane Bond into its fold. The BCCI moved in swiftly to get all the players associated with the ICL to banned from the national sides and all forms of official cricket.
A rival series the IPL Cricket league came into being. All current and retired greats who had not signed up with the rebel league were welcomed into this brand new league that came backing of the ICC and all the major cricket boards. The IPL Cricket would have 8 city-teams. The ownership of the teams were auctioned to the highest bidders. Reliance Industries, United Breweries, Deccan Chronicle Holdings, Red Chillies Entertainment, India Cements, GMR Infrastructure, Emerging Media and Wadia, Zinta and Co.
IPL Cricket players were to be auctioned to the highest bidders among the owners of the teams. Dhoni became the highest paid player at $1.5 million dollars. Symmonds became at the highest paid foreign player when he was snapped up by the Hyderabad team after a fierce bidding war. IPL Cricket was off to a flying start. To relive those moments click here: http://www.guydz.com/indianpremierleague
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