Wednesday, 24 January 2007

Help Save a Heart Child's Life - And Spread CHD Awareness

Dr.Mani Sivasubramanian, heart surgeon and webmaster of 'Heart Disease Online' has joined an effort to help children with heart birth defects receive medical treatment.

"A Day For Hearts: Congenital Heart Defects Awareness Day" focuses attention on the problem of heart defects in kids. The aim:to spread awareness about the problem and gather support.

Think for a moment about a child you love. Imagine how you'd feel if that child had a heart condition. Then think about how bad it would be if this child couldn't have treatment.

Then, ask yourself if you would do something to help.

*** You could help save a child's life - literally ***

And you don't have to spend money, if you don't want to. There are many other ways you can help. Do whatever you can. Every little bit adds up - fast. Start today. Go to

And please, spread the word. Forward this note to anyone you think might be willing to help out. Tell your friends, family, customers, contacts - everyone.

Then treat yourself to a smile. You have earned it.

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