If you ve read my Commission Machine review it s here you ll know that I believe firmly that the product is an excellent stand alone guide to affiliate marketing success and does NOT need a bonus. Yet so many affiliates where offering an extra or incentive that I decided (somewhat reluctantly) to throw my hat in the ring as well and wrote to tell you about my Commission Machine Bonus. In case you missed that email with the SUBJECT line: When In Rome ? , here s the essence of my bonus offer: YOU get to pick from this catalog (click here) and except #1 (Internet Infopreneur System), all others are on the bonus shelf and if you order today You Can Pick ANY THREE As Your Bonus! On Saturday, 28th February 2015, you can get only TWO and if you put off buying your copy of The Commission Machine until Sunday, 1st March 2015, you ll get to pick just ONE and next week, the deal s off! PLUS I ll give you a secret link to order the $197.00 Internet Infopreneur System for only $47 as an EXTRA supe