Other articles on the InfoProfitz blog at Info Profitz can help you turn words into wealth through email marketing, blogging and self publishing. How to write a book review that brings in more sales? A great review can sell books and ebooks by the dozen even hundreds of copies. As a society rushed for time, we rely heavily on social proof to decide upon things to do, buy, visit, eat, enjoy. Ebook reviews help hesitant prospects who are intrigued by a book or title in making a buying decision. But there s an art about how to write a book review in a way that sells more ebooks. If a book review sounds too much like a pitch , you ll turn readers off. It s easier than one might think to spot a pitch or promotion that masquerades as an impartial book review. Before deciding about how to write a book review that sells ebooks, take a moment to think over these points. Be Honest If you tell a lie in your book review, it will come back to bite you! Even if you know how to write a book review t